Upgrade FAQ

Is this a paid upgrade?

Yes. The rendering, loading and UI have been completely rewritten for this version and it comes with a bunch of new features and plugins. Omgz check out all the new stuff!1!!!

So how much is it?

During the whole of February you can purchase it for €129,- , after February it will be €149,-.

I already own Chaser. Can I get a discount?

Of course! If you already own Chaser, upgrades are 75% off. That means that during February, you can upgrade to the new version for €32,25. After February, upgrades will be €37,25. Which aren’t really nicely rounded amounts and that annoys me but that’s how percentages work I guess.

Okay. So how do I do upgrade?

Log in to your account and hit the big button that says Upgrade all Chaser licenses to version 4

If you tried to click the link in the image, I’m sorry. Don’t feel bad. I also tried to click it. Several times.

What if I own Chaser 2 but not Chaser 3?

You’re old school and I like that. Same deal applies to you. Just log in to your account and hit the button.

But I just bought it! This sucks and it’s not fair!

Yes, it’s a shitty feeling when you buy something and a week later, a better version comes out. I got you though. If you bought Chaser 3 during the last month, get in touch via the form below and I’ll upgrade you for free. If you bought it longer ago than that and still feel I’m treating you unfairly, get in touch and we’ll see what we can do.

Oh no! I can’t find my license!

Get in touch via the form below and we’ll get things sorted.

I have more than 1 license. Do I need to upgrade them all?

No. Instead of using the button, just add the amount of licenses you want to your cart directly. As long as you’re logged in, it will recognize you’re entitled to an upgrade and then automatically apply the discount.

Wait? Does that mean I can no longer upgrade the other licenses then?

Of course not. You can always purchase as many upgrades as you have older licenses.

What if I don’t want to upgrade yet?

No problem. Just hit skip and the auto-updater will know you want to skip that version. If you already have the new version installed, here are installers for the previous version.

Please keep in mind that v4 and v3 cannot be used side by side and you’ll need to remove the plugins manually after rolling back.

Wait! I still have questions!

Or just send a good old-fashioned email...