The Views Menu

Views are very powerful feature in Chaser.


First and foremost, Views let you control which screens and slices are visible by hitting the eye icon in front of their name in the list. This visibility is completely unconnected to the screen or slice in Resolume’s Advanced Output. It just hides the screen or individual slices in the Preview in Chaser. This is helpful if you need to focus on a specific part of your stage, or if for whatever reason, you do have overlapping slices and want to work with the set underneath.

Tip! As mentioned in the Canvas page, you can lasso drag while holding ALT to quickly toggle the visibility state of a slice, or ALT snake across several slices to paint them out of existence.

Bonus Tip! If you’re more a listy type of person, you can toggle the eye icon of the first slice you want to hide, then SHIFT click the last slice, to hide all slices in between. This also works across screens and with screens themselves.

Multiple Views

You are a creative animal, so you enjoy subdividing your slices into 100s of tiny slices or breaking them up into weird polygon shapes. Using the Views menu, you can make separate Views for each of these. All the regular panel slices can live in their own View and so can the extra ‘creative’ slices.

Then when creating sequences, you can simply switch between Views when working on one or the other set. Chaser will also indicate if a Sequence contains slices from a different View, so you don’t accidentally overwrite any steps that were already in use.

You add another View by hitting the plus icon in the bottom right of the list. Views can be renamed in place by double-clicking the name. They can be re-ordered by dragging them by their little hamburger. ALT-drag will copy a View. To delete a View, hit the X on the right of that bad boy.

Tip! ALT click the plus icon to create a new View with all slices turned off.

Slice Subsets

The second purpose of Views is for use with Random, Outliner, Sampler and Tiler, where you can use Views to only apply the effect on a subset of slices. These plugins will automatically follow any changes you make to the Views list.

There is always a single View called All. This View cannot be deleted, copied or moved. By default it contains all the slices and screens in the current setup. If you change anything in the Resolume output setup, added slices and screens will automatically become visible in the All View.

Any extra Views you create yourself can be renamed, moved, copied and deleted. Newly added slices and screens will NOT become visible in these Views, they will be added but will have their visibility toggled off. This is so you don’t accidentally outline a whole bunch of extra slices you didn’t want to outline.

Any slices or screens you toggle off in any View, including the All View, will always remain toggled off and won’t get toggled on when updating the Resolume output setup.

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