Hybrid Constructs

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Trial / Registration


To get a good feel for how awesome Pulse is, Pulse can be used in demo mode for 100000 beats. That should give you enough for a full night of blistering DNB beats. Or probably a night and a half on regular EDM. Or like two weeks of 1 hour hiphop shows.

Pulse will ask you if you want to start a trial when you first run it. Just make sure you are connected to the internet and the process will be automatic.

After the 100000 beats are gone, the application will still be fully functional but the Link output will be disabled. To get fully working Link output again, you can purchase a license.


After you complete the order, open the software and open the Preferences menu. There you use your Hybrid Constructs account email and password to register the software.

If your computer is still using the default Windows name (LAPTOP-XXXXXX or DESKTOP-XXXXX), you may want to change that something more memorable too, so you can recognize it later.

Every license can be used on 2 computers. If you need more than 2 computers, you can purchase additional licenses. Every additional license adds another 2 computers.


If you no longer need to use your license on a specific computer, you can Unregister the same way as you registered.

If the computer is no longer accessible because it was lost, stolen or damaged, you can also unregister it online. Simply hit the Unregister button on the right of the computer you want to remove and the seat will be available again right away.

Wait! I still have questions!

Or just send a good old-fashioned email...