Hybrid Constructs

Work Smarter, Not Harder

What’s New

Uh. How about AlL OF ThE ThiNGs?!>!?


Damn StageFlow I want to take you home and snuggle up to those muted pastelly purples.


CTRL/CMD-z if you did a booboo and CTRL/CMD-SHIFT-Z if undoing the booboo was in fact the real booboo.


You will vill out ze numbers with ze highest of prezision.

Manage registrations online

Log in with your email and password. Remove your license from computers that you lost access to.

New List view

Hide, lock and select your slices and Focals

Rearrange and rename Looks

Go ham on the order and names, while maintaining visual consistency in Resolume

Copy Looks and Focals

Alt drag in the list all day every day

Looks can be faded

Because you asked for it

And probably a bunch more that I’m forgetting right now. Just hit that download already…

Wait! I still have questions!

Or just send a good old-fashioned email...