Hybrid Constructs

Work Smarter, Not Harder


What's New

Uh. How about AlL OF ThE ThiNGs?!>!? New GUI Damn StageFlow I


This article assumes you are a new user just getting started with

Input Maps
Input Maps

Input Maps are the key to running a show with Chaser and

Working with Files
Working with Files

StageFlow works closely with Resolume’s output xml format. It takes the data

Background Guide
Background Guide

A background guide is a visual reference for how your stage actually

The Stage
The Stage

The stage is where you reposition your slices to align with their

Looks and Focals
Looks and Focals

StageFlow’s real power are its Looks. A Look is how you lay


StageFlow can get kind of abstract with its Looks, Focals and UV

Mixing Live
Mixing Live

When all the setup is done, you use the StageFlow FFGL plugin

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